In the Safari menu, select Preferences > Advanced > Accessibility and check Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage.
You must enable full keyboard accessibility before testing with Safari.This article will only focus on accessing web content with Safari. VoiceOver can also access most OS X native applications and functions. VoiceOver works with other browsers, but some errors may be introduced. VoiceOver currently functions best with the Safari web browser.While working in VoiceOver, keep the following in mind: For example, VO + H (or control + option + H) will open the VoiceOver Help menu. These keys are used to access special VoiceOver commands and functions and will be referenced simply as VO. The VoiceOver Activation keys (called VO keys) are control + option. VoiceOver can also be enabled by going to System Preferences > Accessibility > VoiceOver and selecting Enable VoiceOver. On computers without a TouchID button press Command + F5-if on a laptop you may need to additionally press the fn (function) key to activate F5. For newer computers triple-click the TouchID button to start VoiceOver. The method to start (or stop) VoiceOver will vary based on the type of Apple computer you have. While VoiceOver is available on most Apple platforms, this guide will primarily focus on using the OS X version of VoiceOver.Slow down the reading speed and take your time. Don't get discouraged if things still seem confusing after only a few minutes. If you are new to screen readers, plan on spending some time (perhaps several hours) becoming comfortable using VoiceOver.The VoiceOver Getting Started Guide is also available. For a more comprehensive list of VoiceOver keyboard shortcuts, see the VoiceOver Commands Chart. It does provide a list of the essential commands that new or novice VoiceOver users should know. This article does not contain a comprehensive list of VoiceOver shortcuts.While reading this article, keep a few things in mind:

This article is designed to help users who are new to VoiceOver learn the basic controls for testing web content, and to serve as a reference for the occasional VoiceOver user.
VoiceOver is a screen reader program that comes on new Mac computers, iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches.